Monday, January 11, 2016

6 EASY Steps to Accountability

Webster's dictionary defines accountability as :  the quality or state of being accountable especially :  an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.

We all have days when life just gets in the way, and we just don't want to workout, or stick to our diet. As true as those days and moments happen, we can't use it as an excuse to skip a day and throw our arms up in the air and say we will start again tomorrow. (I am not saying that a rest day is not allowed, it sure is!! but only when it's a scheduled one)

Maybe you keep starting and stopping because grandma had just made some cookies or pie and insists you eat it, perhaps you had a late night and just can't find any reason to wake up early and get moving your body.  It really comes down to how bad you want change.  How bad you want to transform your physical well-being.

When we have moments like this and we revert back to our old ways, remember it is completely normal, but there are two main reasons why as humans we don't persevere and continue to stay motivated.

1. We don't have a strong enough WHY.  Why are you doing this? Why did you start in the first place? If you can connect that why to a really strong reason you are more likely to follow through.

2. Accountability. Do you plan to do this on your own? If so, your chances are very slim that you won't succeed in your goal. When we don't have to be responsible to anyone but ourselves we tend to give a whole lot of slack to ourselves.  If you had a n accountability partner or group that is counting on you to continue your workouts and remain eating healthy you are likely to adhere.  No one wants to feel like they are letting down the group/partner.

So I have thought about this Accountability thing and came up with different ways to ensure you stay responsible.

Staying Accountable

1. Plan out your week. If you take some time on Sunday to write down what physical exercise you are going to do, you make it real. Perhaps you want to go running, how far? Resistance training, how many reps/weight. Oh and don't forget your meal plans. That is super important as well. This is a great way to be prepared for times when you are faced with what to eat and more likely to go through the drive thru.

2 Announce it to the world. Okay not the world entirely, but your world.  Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers etc.  You can call them up, use social media or talk to them in person. By letting others know what you are about to embark on will make you want to do what you set out to do. Seriously, those folks are watching and waiting.  Don't disappoint them my dear.

3. Get involved with a group.  If you register yourself to workout with others, whether it's a gym class, or a boot-camp that you go to once or twice a week, you are committing yourself.  If you have to pay money to go, sometimes that makes you want to go all the more.  It is an investment after all.  If you find a free group/class, you still have folks depending on you to show up.

4. Put your goals on paper.  Ever hear of a dream board or a vision board? Of course you have. Get yourself some magazine clippings and Bristol board and start making a hug collage of all your aspirations/goals/dreams. Now keep it somewhere you can see it everyday!!  If you don't want to do the dream board, then start putting pics of your optimal body on the fridge door, maybe even place a pic on your planner/agenda.  Seeing this will encourage you to stay motivated. We all want to reach our goals and looking at them everyday sure helps put our mind in the right place to achieve them.

5. Measure. Throw away that darn scale. Really it is just a number and is never a true account of your body. We have muscles and they always weigh more than fat so your 140lbs may be perfect for you, so if you are trying to be the 110lbs you were in highschool, think again. Take your measurements. Grab a measuring tape and start with your biceps, thighs, calves, waist, hips, and chest. Now record those numbers and every week, do it again.  You will see changes. (as long as you are sticking to your workout/food plan) Seeing those number change will be a huge motivator for you and help you stick to your regimen, thus making you more accountable.

6. Pictures. Go on, don't be afraid.  I know those initial pictures can be really hard, but you will thank yourself when you are done.  As soon as you about to embark on a fitness routine, either get a friend to take them or stand in front of a mirror. Side, front, back. Snap those pics. Every 30 days take them again.  Once you compare side by side you will see changes and this is going to motivate you. You will see where you need to concentrate more to make the changes you want. Perhaps your arms could use some definition, or you have that dreadful tummy, these pictures will help immensely. When you have completed your fitness program, go show the world.  Go on, post them on facebook and watch the response. All your friends and family will be so proud of you. The best get to inspire others to stay accountable too.

Now tell me, what helps keep you accountable? Do you have another suggestion that works for you? 
What do you do when you are struggling? How do you get out of it and continue to push forward?

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