Friday, February 19, 2016

Add These Foods To Lose Weight

I know what you are thinking? How could adding more food to my daily food intake help me lose weight?
By  adding these foods I am about to list daily you will see it is about nutrition. This is an excellent way to add nutrient dense foods to your diet without the deprivation, in turn you will begin to feel more satisfied and reach less for the junk.

For 2 weeks (14 days) I want you to begin to add the following:

1. Eggs - I love eggs, they are high in protein and have lecithin in them which helps break down fat in the body. You can choose hard-boiled, scrambles, poached or soft-boiled your choice but without adding any fats/oils to cook them.  Easiest method for me is boiling eggs the night before and pre packaging them into baggies (2 eggs) sprinkle with some sea salt and pepper and I can grab and go.

2. Oatmeal - oatmeal has been around for ages, even as a child it was the breakfast of choice. There are many varieties out there today that are sugar laden and full of chemicals. I urge you to only consume real steel cut oats. Make sure it is 100% whole grain as well. Oatmeal is a healthy carb and digest slowly which means you get a steady energy flow. It's full of fibre and helps carry toxins out of your body. Add some berries to it and a sprinkle of flax seed and you are good to go. Alternatively, you can look at it as a vitamin, and pre package it in baggies or buy the packet variety and after adding your cup of hot water to it, eat it up in a couple spoon-fulls and done.

3. Detox veggies (2-3 cups a day) - veggies are fat burners. they fill you up. You really can eat al the veggies you want and you will lose weight. Have a big salad loaded with your favs and add  some steamed ones to your dinner. Asparagus, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, radish, cucumber, peppers, kale, green beans, tomato, lettuces, onions, squash, mushrooms, garlic, spinach, and zucchini.  (no potatoes)

4. Fruit (2 servings) -this is especially good if you have a sweet tooth, by adding sweet fruit to your diet you are guaranteed to be more satisfied and not reach for the sugary foods. Lots of fibre that will fill you up. They help detoxify you and burn fat.

5. Water with Lemon - lemon juice added to your water intake helps burn fat. Make sure you are drinking 2-3 litres a day. The combo also helps prevent cravings, so many people confuse thirst with hunger. Water will ensure you stay hydrated and help clear your skin and cleanse any toxins.

6. Whey protein shake (1 cup)  - Yes there are many people who cannot handle whey, but if you can, then it can do great things. It is digested very quickly and helps burn fat. You insulin levels improve and it stimulates the production of antioxidants in your liver. Whey also is great for muscle building due to the amino acids it has. Make sure your choice is LOW in sugar. Alternatively, Shakeology (regular or vegan) can be used or a brown rice protein shake. (vegan)

7. Herbal Tea - late night snacks, we have a tendency to need stimulation so instead of salty or sugary snacks, make a herbal tea. There are many varieties but endure it is decaffienated. Green tea mixed with a fruit tea is amazing, the fruit cuts the bitterness, but you still get the benefits of green tea. Green tea increases our serotonin levels which helps with our mood and energy, and suppresses appetite.

Many of you will think by adding all this food and drink will have an ill-effect and do the opposite. Not true.  It will help control cravings, suppress your appetite, and help you balance your bodies natural chemicals. In turn you will have more energy and your metabolic rate will increase thus increase fat burning.  You will find after two weeks you will be reaching less for the high calorie sugar laden foods because your body will want more nutrient dense food.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Effect of Your Thoughts

Nothing has meaning until you say it does. ~T.Harv.Eker~

Okay so we have opposites in our life. Up/down, on/off, light/dark, positive/negative. These are all things that we perceive. One thing for sure is that until we put a meaning behind these occurrences they really don’t mean anything at all.

If you are colouring a picture, and you make it light, then it is light. Or you colour it darker and then it is dark. It isn’t anything except neutral in colour until you decide if it’s light or dark. You get to choose.

If you listen to music, it is nothing more than sound frequencies and vibrations. Is it loud? Is it quiet? You determine that.

Perhaps you know someone who always blows things way out of proportion? It could be someone who makes mountains out of every molehill.  There are everyday occurrences that can be taken either way.

Its perception and you can choose. 

Something’s are not that bad or that awful until we say they are and begin to believe it. We can flip that around and make it a whole lot less dreadful.

What you give meaning to, what you FOCUS on is the result.

If you focus on light, positive, happiness, joy, what do you think you will get? Yes, exactly that. Now if you keep your mood and mind stuck in the negatives like fear, loathing, jealousy, panic, tragedy,yes you guessed it!! You get that too.

Hey we all have a dual emotion going on all the time. It is completely normal to have the negative thoughts as completely normal it is to have the positive thoughts. The difference though in what results will follow is how long you decide to stay in one feeling or the other.

If you get the bad day, the bad mood, the grumpiness of people all around you, it’s okay to let it affect you, but if you stay there, and give all those circumstances your negative feelings and let them perch on your emotional tree branch; you are going to become exactly that. It’s up to you. Depending how long you decide to stay there determines your future perceptions of your life.
Alternatively, positive meanings that get perched on that tree are going to result in positive circumstances.

All those things in life, they are all neutral, just energy. You give them meaning. What are you going to choose? How long are you going to choose to remain? You are in control of your feelings and your life. We all have yucky days, but your decision to either get stuck in the negative or focus on the positive and change it up is all you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

GLUTEN FREE, Should you follow this trend?

Gluten. I figured I would write a post about this topic because it is becoming so "trendy" today.  First of all let me tell you what the definition of gluten is:
1. the tough, viscid, nitrogenous substance remaining when the flour of wheat or other grain is washed to remove the starch.
2. glue or a gluey substance.

The second definition is a great way to remember glue=gluten.

Now first off, I am not a food-sensitive person, I can usually eat a multitude of foods without any reactions or allergies. Though seeing many friends and celebrities choose a gluten-free lifestyle has prompted my interest. Thought I would delve into the topic and get some much needed information about it, not just for myself but for all of you as well.

When we hear about gluten free lifestyles we assume it is due to an intolerance and or celiac disease.  (A gastrointestinal disease characterized by an inability to absorb the protein gluten, resulting in diarrhea, the passage of stools having a high fat content, and nutritional and vitamin deficiencies. Individuals with celiac disease must avoid ingesting products made from grains containing gluten, including wheat, rye, barley, and oats.)  The American Heritage® Science Dictionary. Retrieved August 27, 2013,  from website: disease

Like many who are lactose intolerant and unable to digest dairy products have refrained from those foods. Did you know that we all have a lactose intolerance? Yes, just some of us are more sensitive than others. As babies we have the enzymes to help breakdown the lactase, but as we age we slowly decrease the ability therefore making us intolerant to dairy.
Gluten can be put into the same classification, some just do not digest it as well as another.

Okay, those with the disease are completely understandable in order for them to have a proper functioning digestive system, but what about those who just choose it.  Well some may just be doing it because as I said before it's trendy, but I am pretty sure there are a few people out there that are conscious of what they put into their bodies and decided that gluten was not something they wanted. Let me tell you why.
  • We do not fully digest wheat. The undigested portions of wheat ferment, and produce gas and bloating.
  • Wheat is a pro-inflammatory. A pro-inflammatory quikly converts to sugar, causing a rise in the body’s insulin levels, causing inflammation at the cellular level, and weight gain.
  • Wheat can cause leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome is a condition where  intestinal substances are leaking into your bloodstream — substances that shouldn’t be there. This is caused by the your body treating the gluten as a dangerous substance and in turn begins to create antibodies to attack it. Although when it begins to attack the food, it also attacks the enzymes that were secreted in the first place to help break it down and in turn breaks down the intestinal walls allowing food and toxins not digested to get into your bloodstream.
  • Refined wheat has little nutritional value. The wheat today has to have  nutrients added back into it because of the lengthy processing of refining it. They take out all the nutrients during the preparation. (similar to "from concentrate") And even then, the wheat’s not that healthy, from a nutrition standpoint because it is now enriched with chemically made vitamins and minerals.
  • Wheat is one of the top-eight allergens. A lot of people are allergic to wheat — so many that it is one of the top-eight on the allergen list.
  • Many people have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, and don’t know it. \statistically 1 in 100 people has celiac disease — but most don’t know it.  There have been estimates that they are as high as 50 - 70 percent,of the world population.
So what can you do to find out if you are sensitive or have an intolerance to gluten?  Elimination diet.
You will have to eliminate all gluten based foods from your diet for a minimum of 30 days. After the month, slowly re-introduce those foods.  If you have an adverse reaction, it is most probable that you have an intolerance.  Another way to determine this is to actually make note of how you feel without it in your body and then how it feels when you re-introduce it.  Look for symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, headaches, and even skin irritations.
Here is a list of gluten foods:
barley, rye, oats, spelt, kamut, wheat ( not all oats..make sure they are clean and not manufactured in the same facility as wheat products and you should be okay.)
places you would never think are soup mixes, salad dressings, and sauces. It can also be found in cosmetics, vitamins and even Play Doh.

So now what can you eat?
Veggies..all of them!!
Fruits...all of them!!
Meats/Proteins: poultry, fish, soy/edamame
Dairy: eggs and almond milk
Grains: brown rice, quinoa, uncontaminated oats
Nuts/Seeds: Flax, walnuts, almonds, cashews
Oils/Condiments: Olive oil, almons butter
Miscellaneous: gluten-free pre-packaged foods..but buyer beware..many items sold on the shelves today may be gluten-free but in turn they require another binding agent and have replaced the gluten with fats an sugars.

Easiest way to help you on your way to gluten free is to eat as close as possible to nature.  The less processing the better.

So your choice, if you have not had an intolerance and not diagnosed with celiac, you can continue to add gluten foods to your daily diet. If you want to give it a try, do so. I think I will be doing it as well.  It can't hurt, and what better way to feel even healthier than to keep your body functioning at it's best.
Be well!

Monday, January 11, 2016

6 EASY Steps to Accountability

Webster's dictionary defines accountability as :  the quality or state of being accountable especially :  an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.

We all have days when life just gets in the way, and we just don't want to workout, or stick to our diet. As true as those days and moments happen, we can't use it as an excuse to skip a day and throw our arms up in the air and say we will start again tomorrow. (I am not saying that a rest day is not allowed, it sure is!! but only when it's a scheduled one)

Maybe you keep starting and stopping because grandma had just made some cookies or pie and insists you eat it, perhaps you had a late night and just can't find any reason to wake up early and get moving your body.  It really comes down to how bad you want change.  How bad you want to transform your physical well-being.

When we have moments like this and we revert back to our old ways, remember it is completely normal, but there are two main reasons why as humans we don't persevere and continue to stay motivated.

1. We don't have a strong enough WHY.  Why are you doing this? Why did you start in the first place? If you can connect that why to a really strong reason you are more likely to follow through.

2. Accountability. Do you plan to do this on your own? If so, your chances are very slim that you won't succeed in your goal. When we don't have to be responsible to anyone but ourselves we tend to give a whole lot of slack to ourselves.  If you had a n accountability partner or group that is counting on you to continue your workouts and remain eating healthy you are likely to adhere.  No one wants to feel like they are letting down the group/partner.

So I have thought about this Accountability thing and came up with different ways to ensure you stay responsible.

Staying Accountable

1. Plan out your week. If you take some time on Sunday to write down what physical exercise you are going to do, you make it real. Perhaps you want to go running, how far? Resistance training, how many reps/weight. Oh and don't forget your meal plans. That is super important as well. This is a great way to be prepared for times when you are faced with what to eat and more likely to go through the drive thru.

2 Announce it to the world. Okay not the world entirely, but your world.  Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers etc.  You can call them up, use social media or talk to them in person. By letting others know what you are about to embark on will make you want to do what you set out to do. Seriously, those folks are watching and waiting.  Don't disappoint them my dear.

3. Get involved with a group.  If you register yourself to workout with others, whether it's a gym class, or a boot-camp that you go to once or twice a week, you are committing yourself.  If you have to pay money to go, sometimes that makes you want to go all the more.  It is an investment after all.  If you find a free group/class, you still have folks depending on you to show up.

4. Put your goals on paper.  Ever hear of a dream board or a vision board? Of course you have. Get yourself some magazine clippings and Bristol board and start making a hug collage of all your aspirations/goals/dreams. Now keep it somewhere you can see it everyday!!  If you don't want to do the dream board, then start putting pics of your optimal body on the fridge door, maybe even place a pic on your planner/agenda.  Seeing this will encourage you to stay motivated. We all want to reach our goals and looking at them everyday sure helps put our mind in the right place to achieve them.

5. Measure. Throw away that darn scale. Really it is just a number and is never a true account of your body. We have muscles and they always weigh more than fat so your 140lbs may be perfect for you, so if you are trying to be the 110lbs you were in highschool, think again. Take your measurements. Grab a measuring tape and start with your biceps, thighs, calves, waist, hips, and chest. Now record those numbers and every week, do it again.  You will see changes. (as long as you are sticking to your workout/food plan) Seeing those number change will be a huge motivator for you and help you stick to your regimen, thus making you more accountable.

6. Pictures. Go on, don't be afraid.  I know those initial pictures can be really hard, but you will thank yourself when you are done.  As soon as you about to embark on a fitness routine, either get a friend to take them or stand in front of a mirror. Side, front, back. Snap those pics. Every 30 days take them again.  Once you compare side by side you will see changes and this is going to motivate you. You will see where you need to concentrate more to make the changes you want. Perhaps your arms could use some definition, or you have that dreadful tummy, these pictures will help immensely. When you have completed your fitness program, go show the world.  Go on, post them on facebook and watch the response. All your friends and family will be so proud of you. The best get to inspire others to stay accountable too.

Now tell me, what helps keep you accountable? Do you have another suggestion that works for you? 
What do you do when you are struggling? How do you get out of it and continue to push forward?

Sunday, January 10, 2016

6 Steps To Winterproof Your Skin

It's that time again. Colder weather is upon us.
I know that I have always had issues with dry skin, but fall/winter season always makes it worse. I am sure a lot of us go through the same complexion problems.  With the warm, dry indoor air and the really cold temperatures outside our skin is a target for dryness and flaking. Here I offer up 6 Steps to

Winter Proof Your Skin.

Step One:
If you are currently using a foaming cleanser or gel variety you will want to make a switch to a cream based one.  The other ones are formulated to take away excess oils in our skin, which is ideal for summer temps but we need as much moisture we can get, so minimal oil removal is ideal. Another tip for washing our skin is to make sure the water is not too hot.  Yes the warmth feels great especially on those cold mornings but if you are planning on running out the door, stick with warm to cool water.

Step Two:
Remove those dead skin cells. You've heard it before but you need to exfoliate at least two times a week.  Exfoliating helps remove the dry flaky skin and leaves your skin ready to produce fresh new moisture full cells. Quick tip, when choosing an exfoliator pick one that has microbeads in it.  Those ones with ground up nuts or shells in them will be too harsh and cause your skin to tear.

Step Three:
Slather on the intense moisturizers. You probably don't want to use one that leaves that heaviness to your skin but there are some great varieties called serums.  These serums help add that extra moisture layer we are looking for during the colder months. They help seal in the moisture after washing and can help create that fresh dewy look we all want.  After it has dried, add your regular day moisturizer and you'll be all set.

Step Four:
Protect your skin. Wear sunscreen. You've heard it many times and most of us are on the wagon. Please use a SPF. You may think that because you don't spend hours outside soaking in the sun rays that it isn't necessary but walking to and from, driving in our cars and sitting near windows with the sun beaming in still have an effect on out skin.  If you are a skier or participate in winter sports it is a definite requirement.  A moisturizer with a SPF of 20 is sufficient and if you want to add extra protection, when choosing your cosmetics you can find many with SPF in it.

Step Five:
Change your moisturizer.  For the best results, choose a thicker cream. I know as I said earlier we don't want the heaviness so you can choose ones made of avocado or oatmeal.  They will provide that extra protection without the yucky feeling of just too much.

Step Six:
Don't forget your kisser. Our lips tend to get chapped and with those windy cold days it almost seems inevitable. Be sure to exfoliate your lips as well. Our lips do not have any oil glands in them and need all the extra moisture they can get. Be sure to coat with a lip balm or lipstick to keep the cold air from drying them out.

Bonus Step:
This is one I am sure most of us have forgotten. Sure we can apply all the creams and serums we want to help protect and prevent the dryness, but a great way is make sure we are hydrated from the inside.  Be sure to drink you water.

I hope these 6 Steps to Winter Proof Your Skin will help you.  I have been able to maintain a flake free complexion after using the steps mentioned above.  Alternatively, speak to a skin care specialist/dermatologist if your condition is excessive. They will have medicated cleansers and creams that may assist you.

Plan Your Meals for One Week In One Day

We have all read and heard how important it is to meal plan and to prepare our meals in advance so that we do not fall off of our positive food choices. The truth is that we sometimes find it difficult to actually know what to do. I have broken it down for you to help you plan and prepare for the whole week.
Step One
Bake or use the grill for all your proteins. First decide, do you want chicken, fish, or beef? Know that fish will only stay fresh for 1-2 days and beef/chicken about 3-4 days in the refrigerator so it is important if you want fish make sure it is early in the week. Perhaps Trout Tuesday or Mahi Monday. You get the idea. If you want you can freeze them after they are cooked and easy to pull out the night before or morning of, then just warm up in the oven.
Step Two
Time to cook those carbs!  Grains, root veggies. I suggest baking the veggies. These can stay fresh in the fridge for 4 days. They help keep you feeling full and sustaining your energy levels  and offer up some great nutrients.
Step Three
Make a big batch. If you have a slow cooker or crockpot then time to use it! If you have room in the fridge, you can place the whole ceramic pot in the there and make as many servings as you want, all ready to go.
Step Four
Snack time. We all have cravings and need pick me ups. Grab some zippered baggies and get stuffing. Lots of options to choose from: carrots, celery, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, grapes, sliced apples, and nuts.  How about hard boiled eggs? You can also do this with protein muffins or bars.

Limit your snacking though. No more than 2 servings of fruit and 1 oz of nuts. You can go crazy on the veggies because they have minimal sugars.  Keep them in the fridge and when you are on your way out the door, grab a pack or two and keep them in your bag/purse for an easy go to snack.

Here is an excellent crockpot recipe to get you started:
Slow Cooker Lettuce Wraps
1.5 cup of wild rice
2 3/4 cup veg broth
1lb chicken breast cut into 1 inch pieces\
1 shallot, 1 medium carrot, 1 celery stalk finely chopped
8oz sugar snap peas, halved
2 tbsp. raspberry vinegar
1/4 cup fresh parsley chopped
1/4 tsp each  sea salt and black pepper
1 head of Boston lettuce
1. Rinse and drain rice, place the rice in the slow-cooker and add broth, celery, carrot, shallot  and chicken. Cover and cook 5 hours or until the rice has opened and NOT mushy.
2. Stir in snap peas, vinegar, parsley, walnuts, salt and pepper
3. Remove 12 leaves from the head of lettuce, rinse, dry. Spoon about 1.2 cup of the rice mixture into the lettuce bowl and roll up. ENJOY.
*adapted from*

No Bake Pumpkin Energy Bites

It's the onset of fall and one of my favourite things is pumpkins. Not only do they make an awesome jack-o-lantern, but they are filled with goodness and yummy seeds you can roast for a quick snack.  Remember being able to buy them pre-packaged at the corner store? Well you can make your own without the added preservatives and such that go into those packages.  I will be adding how to make the pumpkin seeds later on but first I want to share this amazing recipe I stumbled upon.. It is guaranteed to be a mainstay in your kitchen. The best part is you can make them all year, not just "pumpkin season".

Makes: About 25 1-inch balls
What's in them and what you need:
  • 8 oz. (about 1 packed cup) chopped dates
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds or flax seeds
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 cup steel cut oats
  • 1 cup toasted coconut
  • 1 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
How to prepare:
Combine the dates, honey, pumpkin puree, chia (or flax) seeds, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and salt in a food processor, and pulse until smooth and combined.
Transfer the mixture to a large bowl, and stir in the oats, coconut flakes and pumpkin seeds until combined. Cover and put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
After a half hour use a spoon to shape it into your preferred size of  balls. (an inch is probably good.)  If you prefer you can just press the mixture into a pan lined with wax paper and then cut them into bars or squares..
Keep them in the fridge, and the best part is that they stay good for up to 2 weeks, so you can make lots and not have to worry about running won't want to because they are that good.
Thank me later and ENJOY!

Add These Foods To Lose Weight

I know what you are thinking? How could adding more food to my daily food intake help me lose weight? By  adding these foods I am about...