Monday, December 22, 2014

How to RECOVER from BINGE Eating.

So you ate way too much didn't you? Holidays, special occasions, Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners and treats. They are so hard to say no to, so you ate anything that tempted you.
It's okay!! Really it is!! We are human, we are allowed to eat a treat. We are even allowed to binge.

I have struggled with this myself and so I thought making a list of what to do in order to help out you if you ever find yourself with a food hangover was a great idea!

How to recover from Binge Eating

1. Eat.

I know you are thinking that this is not what to do especially after eating too much, but truly it is the only way to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Starving yourself the day after can only make you tired and listless, and cranky, and really..people don't want to be around you when you are cranky! So Eat up! But you are not going to have a replay of yesterday. You will eat 5-6 small meals every 2-3 hours.  Not big platefuls, not huge mounds of a serving, but portioned out. Do your best to stick to REAL WHOLE foods. no packaged, processed fake food allowed. So I am talking soups, fruit, steamed veggies, maybe some fish or other protein if you need want. You can even have a handful of trail mix, healthy fats are perfect to keep your energy up and eating as listed above will get your digestion process moving so you can eliminate all the yuckyness from the day before.

2. Be Kind to yourself.

Have a hot shower, or a relaxing bubble bath. The extra steam from the hot water will help open up your pores to release even more toxins.  Drink herbal teas, and stay away from sugars, bad fats, and heavy white carbs like bread, white potato or white rice.

3. Have a nap.

Yes, you have permission to have a nap. Sleep is the perfect way to regenerate, and recover! Doesn't have to be a long one, perhaps an hour is sufficient. Remember to listen to your body. If it is telling you, you are tired then find a quiet place and close your eyes.

3. Stick to your routine.

The holidays have a way of throwing us off our normal routine of the day. Yet even though you may be on holidays you can still keep a routine. This helps to regulate us, keep our minds busy so we do not fall back into another binge. Get up, shower, read a great book, go for a walk, clean the house, draw, paint, whatever it is that you do. If your binge happened when you were not on a vacation, then just continue your daily as always.


4. Forgive Yourself.

You may be telling yourself that you are fat, a pig, glutton, or whatever. You may be full of blame and shamefulness, but honestly and I am not going to downplay any feelings you may have but we all fall back at one time or another. It's OKAY!!! Be gentle with yourself.  Tell yourself right now "I love you, I am sorry, I forgive you." Keep saying it over and over until the blame game with yourself is gone.


5. Exercise.

Whether it's running, walking, weight lifting or a treadmill, get moving!! Yoga is a perfect choice when you are feeling out of sync. The sweat that you get from the exercise is just another way to remove those binge toxins from your body plus an added bonus is that exercise creates endorphins..those feel good hormones that clear your head, keep you feeling really good and happy!! Yes please!


6. Get together with friends or family.

Maybe you want to be alone, feeling gross and still blaming yourself. Get together with trusted friends or family. Get talking, chat. Have a tea together or go for a walk together.  This will help clear your mind too, and strengthen your loving relationships. Those people will help remind you that you are awesome!


7. Have a plan.

Next time when you are tempted, when you have a social gathering with tons of food, and everything looks delicious, have a plan.  That day when you are scheduled to go, keep up with your routine. Exercise, drink lots of water, eat small meals, eat whole foods, have a hot shower, tell yourself that you love yourself!! Trust me, all of that awesome loving of yourself PRIOR to the temptation is going to help you so much!! If you do cave and eat more than you wanted, remember don't blame yourself, you are human. Just wake up the next day and BE KIND to yourself and start again.

To your health!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What is a Challenge Group?

What is a challenge group you ask. Okay so here it is in a nutshell :)

Every month I organize and invite friends to participate in an online Facebook PRIVATE challenge group.  You choose a Beachbody program of your choice and Shakeology flavour to go with your program. We work together with other people in the group for the duration of your program. Motivation, Inspiration, Accountability.  I know how hard it is to stay accountable to yourself, it's so flippin easy to just decide that you don't want to workout or eat proper one day and then you suddenly have descended down to right back where you started.  That is WHY these challenge groups are AMAZING!! You are accountable to every single participant in the group.  They are counting on you to do your workout, eat right and inspire them to do the same.  When you have other people counting on you, it makes taking care of your body easier!! You become accountable!!

Okay, so you also get me as your personal coach, I am going to make sure you are staying true to your goal. If I have to message you every day I will!!! I will post daily in the group to get you going!! You can share your feelings, your triumphs, your downfalls. Everyone in the group including me will be there to SUPPORT you and help you!! We are your cheerleaders and your advocates.  We all want the same be healthy, fit, and vibrant!!

It's a safe place where you can share your sweaty workout pics, or how hard those push ups were, there is no judging allowed!! We will be there for you, we will get you where you want to go with your physical self. 
It's a fun place, where we share recipes, little competitions like how much water can you drink on Thirsty Thursday.
The challenge group is a perfect place to start.  If you don't have time for gym, or going to the gym makes you feel inadequate. If you need to be surrounded by people going through what you are going through and need to have someone relate.  If you just need some extra motivation, some accountability to keep going.

In a nutshell, challenge groups are the RIGHT choice!!

I can't wait to see you join my next one!! You are going to LOVE IT!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

How To Lose Weight Fast

So often people ask how do I lose weight fast? I need a quick fix and I want the weight off now. How do you do that?

First off, it isn't just about weight.  Body fat comes into play here. We know you want to lose weight, but you need to also think about losing fat.

1. Intervals:

Studies show that interval training is more efficient with weight and fat loss. Quick 20-30 minutes spurts that are done and incorporated into your normal workout. Such as hill sprints. You have to change up your routine and have blasts of high intensity and muscle fatigue. The metabolic rate of burning fat/calories after intervals is very high and has the best effect.Interval training is a start-and-stop motion with periods of sprinting or close t0 sprinting speeds followed by light jogging or rest. You can use interval training in many things like running, riding a bike, swimming, even walking if you alternate between speed walking and normal walking.

2.Lean Muscle:

You need to build lean muscle mass. It literally is the key on why you burn fat, and at what rate you burn fat while resting. Therefore the more lean muscle you have, the more fat that you burn while at rest. Think about it.  As we age we lose lean muscle especially if we live a sedentary lifestyle, this ensures that you your fat burning at rest will decrease over time. It is important to do strength training and lifting weights to keep and add lean muscle to your body.

3. Cut carbs and Calories:

Remember this is not permanent. You will need to add carbs and calories back to your daily intake. You need them. This post is about FAST weightloss, and this is how you do it. You need to make sacrifices. Most people already eat an over abundance of carbs and calories so limiting them at first is okay. Don't just cut carbs out completely either. Adhere to proper portion sizes and choose complex carbs like greens and vegetables vs. simple carbs like breads, and desserts. An easy option is to eliminate them in the evening, so say goodbye to the bag of chips, crackers, or bowl of ice cream as an evening snack and replace it with fresh fruit or a cup of herbal tea.  Be aware that if you limit too many carbs from your diet you can begin to feel sick, headaches, nauseous, irritable, etc. So be mindful.  Monday to Saturday, no carbs and come Sunday make it a treat meal and go have some, this will keep your sanity, and allows the body to believe that you are no longer in starvation mode and will reset again.


Yes intensity. You have to work harder. You can't just take a pill and do nothing. Every workout is an opportunity to improve.  You may see fit people and think that they can do it so easily, but they had to work just as hard at first. Keep the intensity level up and you can have great success.

5. Commitment:

So what happens in about 3-4 weeks and you have done everything, cut calories, worked out, and you haven't lost anything significant. Will you have the commitment to carry on? Your level of commitment is directly linked to your level of success. Stay the course.

I want you to be able to feel great in your own skin. Take these tips and incorporate them into your lifestyle. C'mon now, let's GO FOR IT!!!

Pumpkin Seeds and How to Roast Them

Hey I told you I would add this important part, especially if you are going to make those no bake energy bites/balls.  Sure you can buy store bought but making your own is much more healthy. They are full of magnesium, iron, fiber, zinc, potassium, healthy fats and protein.  They even have something called tryptophan that helps improve your mood.

So Here goes:

Pumpkin Seeds and How to Roast
First off you can use carving pumpkins, but I have heard that the  smaller ones known as sugar pumpkins make a much better seed.
You need to scoop out all flesh and seeds.
Rinse the seeds and be sure to get as much pumpkin flesh off of them.
Then put them into a pot of boiling salted water for about 10 minutes.  This helps to make the seed easier to  digest and makes the shells crispier.
Drain in a colander or strainer and rinse with water.
Lay the seeds on a napkin and dry the excess water off of them, they don't have to be bone dry, but do your best.
Now spread them out on a cookie sheet and drizzle about 1.5-2 tablespoons of oil. (I use olive oil)  Try to get them coated by tossing with a spoon or spatula. Sprinkle a few shakes of sea salt or if you have any on hand, Himalayan salt is amazing.

Put in an oven at 350'F degrees for 10 minutes. Remove and flip them/tossing etc.
Return to oven for another 8-10 minutes.  Because ovens vary, I suggest you test one or two, the seed inside should not be burnt. The shell crispy.
When they are done, the shell is NOT golden brown...if it's brown, the seed is probably burnt.
You can season with more salt if you wish or other seasonings of your choice. Let them cool and ENJOY!
pumpkin seeds
pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Puree

Okay so here you definitely need to use the sugar pumpkins. They are widely available October through December in most grocery stores and markets. Perhaps you are lucky enough to have your own patch in your yard.
Make sure your pumpkins do not have any blemishes and are heavy for their size.
Slice off the stem end of the pumpkin about 2 inches from the top  (you can scrape out the seeds here to roast up later)
Lightly brush the inside of the pumpkin with oil (again I use olive oil).
Cook at 375ºF (190ºC)  and place on a cookie sheet until you can pierce the flesh easily with a knife. You are looking at about 1-1/2 hours.
Let cool~
Scoop flesh into blender or food processor; mix it up until it's smooth.
Then transfer your mix into a strainer that is lined in cheesecloth.
Cover with plastic wrap (not too tight) and allow to drain over night in the fridge.,
Make sure you use the puree within a couple days, otherwise freeze it for later.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Green tea, its Benefits

Green Tea
For years they have been telling us that Green Tea is a great way to lose unwanted fat.  It is the all natural cure for weight loss.
Yes it is true, it does help with fat loss but did you know it has a whole lot more to offer?
Scientists have spent years researching this tea to figure it out. They found that it has a great impact on many medical conditions. This includes obesity.
Green Tea contains catechins, the biggest one being EGCC or epigallocatechin which appears to be the top flavonoid. It assists in getting rid of free radicals at a very high rate. Quite impressive! Green tea is most effective for cardiovascular disease, dementia, certain types of cancers and of course weight loss.
A study was done recently with 3 test groups. The 1st group was to drink 4 cups of green tea. The 2nd group had 4 capsules of EGCC with 4 glasses of water, and the last group had only 4 cups of plain water.  (the tea and the capsules both contained the same amount) At the end of 8 weeks the researchers found that the 1st group who had the tea and the 2nd group that took the capsules both had significant changes in their BMI (Body Mass Index) and body weight.
Another study gathered information that Green Tea not only contributed to weight loss but also increased fat oxidation and thermogenesis.  There is also evidence that consuming Green Tea helps you to limit fat absorbtion. They fed a test group hig fat diet and green tea and another group the high fat diet. Of course the green tea consumers had an astonishing rate of 45% less fat gained.
EGCC not only helps rid fat, but it also helps the bodies ability to use fat efficiently instead of storing it.
So how many cups should you drink?
There are different answers to this question ranging from 4 to 10 cups per day.
Whatever you can manage and feel good about drinking is what you should aim for.  If you can handle 4-5 cups or more, then just do it. Be aware though that green tea has caffeine! If you find you are anxious or jittery then switch to non-caffeine variety, those feelings mean you have definitely reached your quota of caffeine for the day.

Holy YUM! No Bake Pumpkin Energy Bites

It's the onset of fall and one of my favourite things is pumpkins. Not only do they make an awesome jack-o-lantern, but they are filled with goodness and yummy seeds you can roast for a quick snack.  Remember being able to buy them pre-packaged at the corner store? Well you can make your own without the added preservatives and such that go into those packages.  I will be adding how to make the pumpkin seeds later on but first I want to share this amazing recipe I stumbled upon.. It is guaranteed to be a mainstay in your kitchen. The best part is you can make them all year, not just "pumpkin season".

Makes: About 25 1-inch balls
What's in them and what you need:
  • 8 oz. (about 1 packed cup) chopped dates
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds or flax seeds
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 cup steel cut oats
  • 1 cup toasted coconut
  • 1 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
How to prepare:
Combine the dates, honey, pumpkin puree, chia (or flax) seeds, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and salt in a food processor, and pulse until smooth and combined.
Transfer the mixture to a large bowl, and stir in the oats, coconut flakes and pumpkin seeds until combined. Cover and put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
After a half hour use a spoon to shape it into your preferred size of  balls. (an inch is probably good.)  If you prefer you can just press the mixture into a pan lined with wax paper and then cut them into bars or squares..
Keep them in the fridge, and the best part is that they stay good for up to 2 weeks, so you can make lots and not have to worry about running won't want to because they are that good.
Thank me later and ENJOY!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Clean Pumpkin Spice Latte

When Starbucks first came out with their Pumpkin Spice Latte, I was just like you...IN LOVE!!
Something about pumpkin pie in a smooth warm drink that helped those crisp days of fall become a bit more cozier.
They are yummy, true. Though after doing some research, they may taste good and make our senses tingle but they are nothing short of a chemical cocktail. You know what I find truly amazing? There is absolutely no pumpkin within the ingredients at all!
Yeah I know, mindblown right?

You'll see from this picture below that it is full of stuff that we really need to steer clear from. I adapted this info from "foodbabe" the food inspector queen I like to call her. I have given a CLEAN version that I found at the "gracious pantry"
Much better ingredients and you definitely know what's in it.

So to all my fellow Pumpkin Latte fans, skip the starbucks, save some cash and make your own healthy and clean version!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Are your vitamins doing more harm than good?

I once read a book about man-made vitamins and the information I found was astounding. Not all vitamins are created equal and most of the vitamins on the shelves at the drugstore are full of chemicals, sugars, fillers, dies, and not at all what they claim to do for you.

A common sense fact here: Synthetic or man-made vitamins (i.e. fortified, concentrated, added) are nothing more than INORGANIC substances since they are created in a laboratory. Our bodies are ORGANIC. Therefore an inorganic substance cannot be absorbed or accepted into an organic substance.  It is similar to oil and water. They do not merge.

Many vitamins are created with the use of synthetic/inorganic/chemical/man-made copies of the real thing. These tend to make up 95% of that bottle of vitamins that you believe because of the marketing, is going to help you.

Unfortunately, there are 5 common ingredients in the vitamins that you need to look for, and then put that bottle back down. It will not do you any good.

1. Ferrous Fumarate (C4H2FeO4)
It is a anhydrous (containing no water) salt that by combining ferrous iron with fumaric acid and used as a  preparation to improve the quality of blood. Yet the iron used is inorganic and pre-oxidative, meaning it increases the free-radicals in your body and causing damage to your liver because extra iron in the body accumulates there. It also is known to feed or increase infections and bacteria.  Inorganic iron has been linked to cardiovascular disease and even cancer.

2. Magnesium Stearate (Mg(C18H35O2)2)
Used to make large productions  of supplements,  this chemical  is produced by mixing sodium stearate with  magnesium sulfate,  similar to hydrogenated  oils. This chemical has shown signs of death from inhalation of the powder.

3. Manganese Sulfate (MnSO4H2O)
Interesting enough, the MSDS or the Material Safety Data Sheet list this chemical as a hazardous substance. It indicates it adversely effects  reproduction.

4. Chromic Chloride (CrCl3)
Although this type of is far less poisonous than other forms, it is still a toxic substance, known to to be a reproductive hazard. It is on the Hazardous  Substance list. It is more common in metal industries, tanning solutions, and as a waterproofing agent.

5 .Sodium Selenite (Na2SeO3)
Selenium found in food is an antioxidant. Yet this type is inorganic and has been known to cause tumors, genetic mutations, interfere with reproduction, and cause  birth defects.

Here is a handy guide when choosing "vitamins" from the store.

Look for the words “100 percent natural”.  Some may say “natural,” but manufacturers can claim “natural” on  their products if at least 10 percent of the product comes from  natural food sources. The Organic Consumers Organization recommends looking for  those that state “100 percent plant-based” or “100 percent animal-based”.

Find the “food source” list on the product.  If it doesn't contain any whole food sources then it is synthetic. You are looking for yeast, fish, vegetable and citrus.

Look for whole foods in the list instead of the nutrient. Foods that contain a vitamin, such as “acerola cherry powder,” which is vitamin C. If you can  identify “vitamin C” in the ingredient list, you can almost guarantee  that the vitamin is synthetic.

Watch for salt forms in the product, a synthetic added to supplements  for increasing the stability of the vitamin or mineral. Some to look for are acetate, bitartrate, chloride, gluconate, hydrochloride,  nitrate and succinate.

Words that end in “ide” or “ate” indicate that the  product has salt forms, which are synthetics. for example, if you see chloride, hydrochloride, acetate or nitrate on the  list, the manufacturer definitely used synthetics.

The letters “dl” that appear before the name of an ingredient  indicate it is synthetic. You could look for “fish oils” when  buying a vitamin A supplement. If the  label states “palmitate,” it is  a synthetic vitamin A supplement.

Synthetic Vitamins to Avoid

Vitamin A: Acetate and Palmitate
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Thiamine Mononitrate, Thiamine Hydrochloride
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Riboflavin
Pantothenic Acid: Calcium D-Pantothenate
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
Vitamin B12: Cobalamin
PABA (Para-aminobenzoic Acid): Aminobenzoic Acid
Folic Acid: Pteroylglutamic Acid
Choline: Choline Chloride, Choline Bitartrate
Biotin: d-Biotin
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin D: Irradiated Ergosteral, Calciferol
Vitamin E: dl-alpha tocopherol, dl-alpha tocopherol acetate or  succinate

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What is Organic...Exactly?

Organic, free-range and wild-caught foods. We see these items in the store or hear about them, but what are they exactly?

Other than being one of the healthiest types of food, they are also environmentally friendly because they reduce the amount of toxins in our water, soil, and air.  That is the main reason many people are switching to it.  They want to live an eco-friendly life. It is definitely important to take care of our earth and this is a perfect way to start.

Organic food is defined as having been produced without the use of chemical fertilizers or artificial pesticides. You do need to be way though, and look for the seal that states it is certified organic. In produce, the SKU# will have a 9 preceding the other digits. (ex: 4109 vs 94109, the number without the 9 is not organic)

Free Range Meats/Eggs
This is simply what it says. The animal was allowed to graze on the lands that were not sprayed with pesticides. This is for cattle, turkey, chicken and other animals like the pig or buffalo. They are also hormone free.

Wild-Caught Fish
A study was done regarding "farmed" salmon vs. "wild" salmon. It was found that the farmed variety had 16 times the amount of PCB's that is found in wild salmon, 4 times the level in beef, and 3 times the amount found in other seafood. It is definitely not recommended to eat farmed fish more than 1 time per month because of the content of toxins. Stay on the wild side. (ie: wild pacific/wild Alaskan salmon)

What do you do when organic is not available?

1. Look for thicker peels.  The thicker the skin, the less pesticides can penetrate through. Bananas, citrus fruits, pineapples and melons all would be safe because you remove the peels before eating.

2. Watch the thin peels. High levels of pesticide residue are on produce such as; apples, grapes, berries, nectarines, potatoes, peppers, celery, and spinach. You will find it difficult to peel the skin, so it is recommended to buy organic.

3. No peel. what about Lettuce and broccoli? Best thing to do is peel off the outer layer of the leaves. For broccoli, organic is best but if it is not available please wash it well.

4. Wash your produce. You can wash wax off of your apples and such with a natural bio-degradable cleanser or a mild detergent.

5. Soak your produce. Remove the wax and pesticides by soaking your produce in the sink filled with cold water and a tablespoon of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide for about 10 minutes. Please rinse well.  Lemon juice can be substituted for the peroxide.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Weightloss Myths, 8 Things You Need To Know

Ah yes! We hear them all the time and some of us believe them to be true but I am going to fill you in on the most common that are definitely not true.

1. Stopping exercise the muscle will turn to fat:
Muscle and fat are two different types of tissues in the body and you cannot convert one into the other. If you stop , the muscles will shrink in size - but do not disappear. The more calories taken in that are not burned off will be deposited as fat.

2. If you’re not sweating, you’re not working to a good intensity:
Sweating is the body's way of cooling itself down. The intensity of the exercise can't be determined by the amount you sweat. A well-trained person will often sweat a lot because their body can more efficiently regulate heat. Take into fact the room temperature, and clothing as well. These also determine your temperature and how much sweat is needed to cool down.

3. More exercise is better:
Exercise is beneficial , however more is not always better. It depends on what is trying to be achieved. There is a level and frequency required to achieve results. When you reach that level, sometimes additional exercise can cause the opposite to happen. You need to give your body time to repair and regenerate. Exercise does cause stress on the body and needs to be able to recuperate in order for the exercise not to have a negative effect.

4. Exercise on an empty stomach and you burn more fat:
Weight loss is the amount of calories burned in one day, not how. . Exercising morning or night has no advantage over the other. You need fuel for your body. If you workout on an empty stomach chances are you will feel fatigued half way through because you lack the fuel to keep your energy up. Whereas working out after a meal can also lessen the burn of calories because your body is focusing on digestion not burn. Moderation. A protein shake a half hour before working out or some fruit and yogurt can help PRE workout. Afterwards same rule applies.

5. By focusing on my abs I will lose my belly:
Exercising your abdominals will help to tone and firm, but it will not reduce fat  that are make up your belly. Fat reduction comes from burning more calories than you take in. Fat is reduced  throughout your  body  all together; there is no such thing as spot reduction.

6. Drinking water while exercising will give you cramps:
Sure if you drink litres of water before, after, and during will give cramps. If you have small sips periodically throughout the workout to replace lost water will not give you cramps. After you have finished the workout then by all means drink the litres in.

7. Fat free foods are okay to indulge in:
Fat free does not mean calorie free. That phrase can mislead you to believe that you won't gain weight, but if you do not burn off those calories you will gain weight.

8. If you ingest sugar before a workout your energy level will increase:
Unfortunately, sugar intake leads to a quick  rise in your blood sugar. This in turn makes your body produce insulin to process the sugar and then your energy levels drop. You will most likely feel exhausted or fatigued during the workout.

Find a program that works for you, one you enjoy. Stay consistent and eat well following a clean diet and you will reach your goals. Your  metabolism will increase, after-burn of working out will increase and you will be well on your way to reaching and maintain your weightloss/exercise goals.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Two Steps Forward, Keeps You Ahead.

Here's the deal!! You start something to change your life for the better..could be to break an old habit, could be to start eating healthier and you do really good for a few days, but then that crazy mind of yours starts to rationalize with... you..oh oh!!

 You have been doing so well not eating the sugars and the bad carbs, but you have had one heck of a day, you're running on empty and time is getting away from you, the kids are hungry, you didn't plan, and you are absolutely famished..what do you do? You talk yourself into fast food, or an unhealthy choice..let's face it...that drive-thru is so much easier, especially today.

 You figure you'll get back on track tomorrow. You took a step backward...but you know what? That's OKAY!!! Don't beat yourself up over it!

 We have to find a balance. Sure we can be 100% good and on top of our vices, but if we continue on that road, you are bound to feel one wants that. So I say>> eat the unhealthy choice, skip a workout, etc..the KEY is to not let those cheat days and cheat meals take over!!!

If you are doing awesome 5 out of 7 will always be AHEAD! Yet if you are only doing awesome 2 out of 7 days you will always be BEHIND!!
Choose wisely!! Small steps everyday, one choice at a time.
Find your balance, where the GOOD outweighs the BAD and you will get where you want to go!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

21 Day Fix Is Here, and This is WHAT you NEED to KNOW

The 21 Day fix is here! This is WHAT YOU NEED to know

An amazing trainer has been added to the Beachbody family, Autumn Calabrese. You will find she has done a truly amazing job of taking the guesswork out of losing weight with her signature program the 21 Day Fix.
With the use of colour coded containers and a food guide to what to put into those containers you will be learning all about portion control and be well on your way to losing up to 15lbs in 21 days.

Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? Well perhaps, but the test groups had excellent results.

We eat too much, let's face it.  We very rarely have a bowl of pasta that is the proper serving size. We eat way too much bread, and cheese, and splurge on wine and chocolate when we can.   This is what is so perfect, this program actually allows wine and chocolate, so no more diet that makes you feel deprived and ends up in a self sabotage of binging on forbidden foods.

There are no forbidden foods, you DESIGN your meal. You have complete control on what you put into those containers, your only promise for this plan to work is to only put the amount allocated to the containers. Simple right? Sure is.  Like I said no guess work, no calorie counting, no points to tally, nothing but simple straightforward eating.  Yes there is some planning involved, you are going to have to measure out your meals with the containers but that's it.  That's as complicated as it gets.

On top of the portion containers, you get 7 workouts. Ranging from cardio to yoga to strength to stretching.  You have to do one 30 minute workout everyday for the 21 days.  You combine that with the colour coded portion control containers and say hello to a new you in 3 weeks!! Hello!!!

I am super excited for this program, I know it is going to change a lot of people's lives.

It's perfect for those of you who have upcoming weddings, vacations, reunions and want to look and feel your best.
It's great for those of you stuck at a plateau in your weightloss, maybe you need to tone up and lose a bit more body fat, well the workouts will help you with that.

I know those last 10-15lbs are always the hardest to get rid of, and this program will definitely make it possible and in only 3 weeks.  Autumn Calabrese worked with nutritionist to develop the eating plan, so it is completely safe and effective and you can do it back to back.  If after 21 days you are not where you want to be, fret not, just do it again until you reach your goal.

Here is a quick exclusive interview Autumn had about the program and it will help answer any questions floating around in your head.

What Do You Get?

Base Kit:
Free Gifts
Start Here Guide with Workout Calendar, 3-Day Quick Fix Eating Plan, 24/7 Online Support
Work Outs
7 workouts on 2 DVDs
Dirty 30 workout
Total Body Cardio Fix
Upper Fix
Lower Fix
Pilates Fix
Cardio Fix
Yoga Fix
7 color-coded portion-control containers
Shakeology shaker cup

Ultimate Kit:
Free Gifts
Start Here Guide with Workout Calendar, 3-Day Quick Fix Eating Plan, 24/7 Online Support, Insulated Tote Bag
Work Outs
7 workouts on 2 DVDs
Dirty 30 workout
Total Body Cardio Fix
Upper Fix
Lower Fix
Pilates Fix
Cardio Fix
Yoga Fix
Ultimate Workouts
Flat Abs Fix
Barre Legs
1 Pro-Grade Resistance Band (Pink=15lbs)
7 color-coded portion-control containers
Shakeology shaker cup
Large on-the-go container

Challenge Pack:
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Friday, February 14, 2014

8 Tips to Rev up your Metabolism

So you want to lose weight, but no matter what you do, you just can't seem to push through that plateau. Here I am going to give you 8 Tips to rev up your metabolism.

Metabolism is defined as: The chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.

So it makes total sense to make sure it is functioning optimally. (If you have a thyroid dysfunction, please continue to consult your doctor)

You may see those thin girls and guys that can eat whatever they want and never gain weight. They have a fast metabolism right?  Or perhaps you see those people who eat one greasy food or sweet pastry and it goes right to thier hips or stomach. A slow metabolism? Perhaps, please read on!
A fast metabolism will help you burn those calories that are holding you back from losing the weight that just doesn't want to go away. Here are the 8 tips to rev up your metabolism.

Tip #1 Water. 
Are you drinking enough? Most of us are not. There is that old rule of 8 glasses a day. Sure 8 glasses is a good start, but it also depends solely on your own body. Not everyone is a standard 8 cups a day.  Easy formula to figure out your required water intake is this: Take your weight in pounds and divide by 2. That number is then the amount of ounces you should be consuming on a daily basis.  Example: you are 120 pounds. Divided in half is 60. Therefore 60 ounces. 60 ounces divided by 8 ounces per cup equals 7 and 1/2 cups of water per day.  Water is very important.  We need water to make sure our organs and body function are performing optimally.  Please drink your water.  Adding lemon to it will also increse your chances because the lemon cuts through fat.  Yes it helps attack fat deposits and belps to break them down so the body can dipose of them. Another great idea is to make sure that water is COLD.  Cold water makes your body have to burn calories to warm it up.  Think about it, our internal temperature is pretty hot so when we introduce a cold liquid into it, it has to work double duty to bring it to the same temperature as our bodies are in order to process it.

Tip#2 Vitamin D
I know that those of us who live in colder climates, and have seasonal changes we tend to hibernate quite a alot. Well Vitamin D mainly comes from the sun and with winter we have some grey days and we tend to stay indoors.  Please consider taking a Vitamin D supplement, whether it is in a capsule form or one of the many added minerals to your nutriton support shake. Vitamin D, and lack of it makes us hungry, and slows down weightloss.

Tip#3 Strength Training
So you love cardio, running, power walking.  These are all great exercises that are perfect for our heart, but they don't help with adding lean muscle to your body.  Lean muscle that is buit from strength and resistance training helps to burn fat continuously.(even when you sleep)  So pull out those dumbells or resistance bands and get to those reps.

Tip#4 Eat
Yes I said eat.  Do your best to not go without a meal or snack more than 4 hours. You should be eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner.  I don;t mean huge meals either, that is where portion control comes into play but thats another post.  Keeping our body functioning with energy from food helps to keep our blood sugar levels maintained.  When we have a drop in blood sugar we tend to overeat becasue we are in need of a boost. That is why so many of us reach for that mid day chocolate bar or coffee at 3 o'clock.  One more thing, yes you should be eating regularily throughout the day but make sure to stay away from those midnight snacks.  Eating before bed will thwart all efforts.  When we sleep our bodies are in restoration mode not assimulation mode. Please ensure there is no food in your stomach for at least 8 - 12 houurs.  If you need something after dinner, try a herbal tea it will satisfy your need for something in your mouth and with the many benefits of herbal teas consider it a bonus.

Tip#5 Coffee or Green Tea
Go ahead and drink it. I know we hear all the time to cut caffiene out of our diets and though it is an ideal plan, caffiene actually helps you lose weight.  it speeds up our metabolism.  Just don't douse that coffee with sugars and creams and fancy latte's that will just impeed the effect and make you crash from the sugar rush, not to mention the fats that come with some of those.  Green tea is another perfect drink.  So many benefits and has been proven to keep that metabolism running high. (Green tea does have caffiene in it naturally but you can buy the de caf variety but I don't recommended it because with that "decaf" comes extra processing at the manufacturing plant and with that I am sure the benefits and natural boosters with it are lost.)

Tip #6 Sleep
There is evidence that proves lack of sleep results in overweight people.  make sure you are getting a minimum of 8 hours.  Sleep is one of the best things for your body. Restoration occurs and having a lack of it will slow your metabolism down severely.  It also makes you hungry and throws your hormones in disarray. If you need a cat nap and can take it, then do that.  Sleep is my favourite.

Tip#7 Learn to De-Stress
I know it is hard. With our ever growing responsibilities and being under pressure it is hard to not be under stress but with stress comes a hormorne that is secreted called "cortisol"  When thats gets activated, your body suddently goes into defense mode and holds onto the extra fat. It is your bodies way of protecting itself from danger.  I know, the fat isn't a good thing but to your body and that cortisol secretion, the fat won't go anywhere.  It's going to hold onto everything you got until you can relax.  I encourage you to take a look at ways you can calm your nerves and relieve some stress.

Tip#8 Eat organic and real food.
Okay so maybe you are soing all of the above but still can't get your metabolism revved up. Perhaps look at the food you are eating. Over processed and high use of pesticides on our food, once ingested our body will once again secrete another chemical to protect itself. This is where your endocrine system comes into play and  those pesticides are considered endocrine disruptors. Obesogens are released. Those creepers I like to call them encourage the body to store fat and they also can turn normal cells into more fat cells. So please be aware.

I hope these 8 Tips to Rev up your Metabolism have helped you.  I know it is always a battle to get our bodies to cooperate with us, especially when we want to lose weight. We just have to listen to them. Give them what they truly want and it will return the favour ten fold.
To your health and wellness.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Your Mood On Exercise

Did you know that the feel good chemicals your brain sends out like endorphins and neuro-transmitters actually INCREASE with exercise, therefore helping your mood improve.
Also exercise definitely increases your body temperature and that has been known to CALM you.  There are many benefits to you!
You begin to gain CONFIDENCE, it can help you get distracted from things on your mind, if you go out to exercise in a group setting you also gain some social interaction.
Working out and exercise may have you thinking about intense cardio or zumba class, but it doesn't have to be.   There are numerous ways to get moving.
There is gardening, cleaning the house, strolling around the block, even washing your car.
Think of ways to incorporate it into your daily life, take the stairs instead of an elevator, perhaps park your car further away from the entrance, you could ride your bike to and from work, you can even go for a walk on your lunch hour. Play some outdoor activities with the family or friends, there are many ways to fit it in.
Exercise is a healthy and smart way to aid you in dealing with your mood. So skip the anti-depressants (before stopping any medications please consult your doctor), the junk food/comfort food binges, and the self pity and get up and move.  Even if it is a walk around the block!!

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