Monday, December 22, 2014

How to RECOVER from BINGE Eating.

So you ate way too much didn't you? Holidays, special occasions, Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners and treats. They are so hard to say no to, so you ate anything that tempted you.
It's okay!! Really it is!! We are human, we are allowed to eat a treat. We are even allowed to binge.

I have struggled with this myself and so I thought making a list of what to do in order to help out you if you ever find yourself with a food hangover was a great idea!

How to recover from Binge Eating

1. Eat.

I know you are thinking that this is not what to do especially after eating too much, but truly it is the only way to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Starving yourself the day after can only make you tired and listless, and cranky, and really..people don't want to be around you when you are cranky! So Eat up! But you are not going to have a replay of yesterday. You will eat 5-6 small meals every 2-3 hours.  Not big platefuls, not huge mounds of a serving, but portioned out. Do your best to stick to REAL WHOLE foods. no packaged, processed fake food allowed. So I am talking soups, fruit, steamed veggies, maybe some fish or other protein if you need want. You can even have a handful of trail mix, healthy fats are perfect to keep your energy up and eating as listed above will get your digestion process moving so you can eliminate all the yuckyness from the day before.

2. Be Kind to yourself.

Have a hot shower, or a relaxing bubble bath. The extra steam from the hot water will help open up your pores to release even more toxins.  Drink herbal teas, and stay away from sugars, bad fats, and heavy white carbs like bread, white potato or white rice.

3. Have a nap.

Yes, you have permission to have a nap. Sleep is the perfect way to regenerate, and recover! Doesn't have to be a long one, perhaps an hour is sufficient. Remember to listen to your body. If it is telling you, you are tired then find a quiet place and close your eyes.

3. Stick to your routine.

The holidays have a way of throwing us off our normal routine of the day. Yet even though you may be on holidays you can still keep a routine. This helps to regulate us, keep our minds busy so we do not fall back into another binge. Get up, shower, read a great book, go for a walk, clean the house, draw, paint, whatever it is that you do. If your binge happened when you were not on a vacation, then just continue your daily as always.


4. Forgive Yourself.

You may be telling yourself that you are fat, a pig, glutton, or whatever. You may be full of blame and shamefulness, but honestly and I am not going to downplay any feelings you may have but we all fall back at one time or another. It's OKAY!!! Be gentle with yourself.  Tell yourself right now "I love you, I am sorry, I forgive you." Keep saying it over and over until the blame game with yourself is gone.


5. Exercise.

Whether it's running, walking, weight lifting or a treadmill, get moving!! Yoga is a perfect choice when you are feeling out of sync. The sweat that you get from the exercise is just another way to remove those binge toxins from your body plus an added bonus is that exercise creates endorphins..those feel good hormones that clear your head, keep you feeling really good and happy!! Yes please!


6. Get together with friends or family.

Maybe you want to be alone, feeling gross and still blaming yourself. Get together with trusted friends or family. Get talking, chat. Have a tea together or go for a walk together.  This will help clear your mind too, and strengthen your loving relationships. Those people will help remind you that you are awesome!


7. Have a plan.

Next time when you are tempted, when you have a social gathering with tons of food, and everything looks delicious, have a plan.  That day when you are scheduled to go, keep up with your routine. Exercise, drink lots of water, eat small meals, eat whole foods, have a hot shower, tell yourself that you love yourself!! Trust me, all of that awesome loving of yourself PRIOR to the temptation is going to help you so much!! If you do cave and eat more than you wanted, remember don't blame yourself, you are human. Just wake up the next day and BE KIND to yourself and start again.

To your health!

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