If you are anything like me, your bed and sleep are 2 of your favourite things. After working a full week, the one thing we all crave is being able to sleep in, no alarms, and no responsibilities. You also know that old saying "the early bird catches the worm" is so very true. You want to start working out perhaps and know that rising early is your only option to find time to get a workout into your busy life but the thought of taking away those precious sleep minutes doesn't entice you one bit.
Well I was a lot like you, and there are many others who feel the same way too. So after having a few friends ask me how I made the shift and am able to wake up earlier than I really need to I decided to write down my 6 Tips on Becoming a Morning Person.
Tip #1
Lay your clothes out the night before. If you can just get out of bed and slip into your workout gear right away, or place them beside your gym bag so you will be ready to hit the gym without searching for a matching sports-bra. If you don't go to the gym, you can lay out your clothes for work as well. This saves time to enjoy a cup of coffee or watch your favourite morning show.Tip #2
Go to bed earlier. Yes. If you plan to wake up at 5.00am make sure you are not crawling into bed to go to sleep at midnight. You will be exhausted and less likely to get out of bed; you'll be hitting that snooze button numerous time. Our bodies need rest, and some need more than others but please for your own wellness make no exception to get a minimum of 7-8 hours per night. If you are one of those who needs 9hours, well count backwards and get your head on that pillow. If you find it hard to fall asleep, there are a couple of ways to help you lull off. (listen to meditation audios, turn off the t'v's, the lights, use white noise like a fan, or go to bed at your regular time for a couple nights and still get up earlier than normal, your body will give up and force you to sleep at an earlier time)Tip #3
Have something/someone depending on you. It could be a mini romantic breakfast with your spouse, it can be your dog who wants to go for a walk or a run. You can have a workout buddy waiting for you at the park or the gym. The point is, if you have someone depending on you and waiting for you to show up, you will get out of bed. Go on, make a date/time with a loved one or friend and make sure you are there.Tip #4
Ease into it. Let's face it, it is hard to just change our schedules overnight. So if you normally wake at 8am, try setting your alarm to 7:45am tomorrow, then the next couple days, make it 7:30am, etcetera until you get to the time you need. Taking it slow and easing into the change can help tremendously. You probably won't notice much of a difference and be less sluggish in the mornings.Tip #5
Look forward with anticipation. Perhaps you want to enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee, and read a chapter in a great book. If you want to take a long hot shower, you know the ones we tend to take on our days off. Imagine getting one of those throughout the week. What a treat that would be. Having something to look forward to will enable you to jump out of bed a whole lot easier.Tip # 6
Be Consistent. Set your alarm to get up everyday at the same time, and be sure to go to bed at the same time every night. Mind you, when the weekends come, or you have a day off go ahead and sleep in. Just not all morning. Perhaps instead of 5am be sure to get up by 7:30am. After consistently sticking to the schedule, your body will adjust and your sleep cycles will average out and you will be waking up early all the time. It gets easier, especially if you stay consistent. Creating the habit of rising early can aid you in many things. All those to-do's that you can't seem to find time for, suddenly become available because you decided to rise up early and start your day.I hope my tips on becoming a morning person have helped you. I know that change is hard. Waking earlier everyday will get you ready and set the tone for the day. When I wake up each morning, my schedule is first to take the dog out, have a cup of coffee; I then get my workout DVD on and get my blood pumping. I have a post-workout shake and hit the shower. I have this all done by 7am. I don't have to get my kids up for school until 7:30am so that extra half hour I spend scanning my planner and jotting down all of the things I want to accomplish that day.
Becoming a morning person is well worth the effort!
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