Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Overcoming Overeating

Why do we eat? We all know why we should be eating: to supply our bodies with plenty of energy to get through the day; to get nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals which help us to stay healthy and free of disease; and to get useful carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—all of which contribute to running our bodies properly and maintaining good health.

But sometimes we can all be guilty of eating for other reasons. We love food! And that’s great! Eating should be pleasurable, not just nutritious. Food is everywhere: books are devoted to cooking and recipes, we find ourselves daydreaming and even talking about the newest restaurant or our favorite foods.

Many times we eat to celebrate—holidays, job promotions, graduations, weddings…we’ll find just about any achievement ("I raked the yard!", "We sold our house!", "My favorite team won!") to be celebration-worthy, and we’ll eat to commemorate it.

Other times, we let our emotions take over. When we’re stressed out, sad, angry, or lonely, we oftentimes turn to food to comfort us. Even starting (and staying on) a new diet can be stressful, especially when emotions creep in.

In our food-obsessed culture with out-of-control portions always lurking within our grasps, how can we not overeat? It’s hard to break habits and go against the lessons we have always been taught, like cleaning our plates, not being wasteful, or getting the best deal—which usually means ordering up and getting a lot more food for the money.

There are many ways to stop overeating While some may seem silly…silly just may work for you. From the following list, find a few that work best for you, and try several. For example, if you find yourself eating out a lot, experiment with the dining out options more. After finding the strategies that work, stick with them. Over time, you’ll break the habits of overeating and form new habits. Pretty soon, you won’t even need the strategies at all, and you’ll be on your way to a permanent lifestyle change!

Skills for Any Setting
Whether you’re cooking your own meal, eating at work, or snacking at a football game, here are the strategies you can take anywhere:

  • Know your portion sizes. Make your own "portion pack" to take with you or keep the following common items in mind when preparing and eating meals.
    • A golf ball is the size of a serving of nuts (including peanut butter) or cheese.
    • A deck of playing cards is equivalent to 3 ounces of any meat.
    • Use a die to estimate a proper serving of oils and fats.
    • For fruit and veggie servings, use a tennis ball.
    • One serving of cooked grains or potatoes is about the size of a computer mouse.
  • Divide your plate. When cooking at home, looking at pictures on menus, or shopping ala carte at the work cafeteria, your plate should look like this:
    • Half (or more) of the plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables.
    • Protein-rich foods (meat or legumes) and starches (grains, potatoes, bread) should take up one quarter of the plate each.
    • Fill your "divided plate" only once. If you’re still hungry, have another half-plate of vegetables. It’s that simple.
    • Portion-controlled plates are available to buy as well…although they’re much more expensive than drawing an imaginary line.
  • Quench your hunger with water. Instead of high-calorie, low-nutrient drinks like soda, alcohol, or other sugary drinks, choose water. It’s free wherever you go, and most people don’t meet their 8-10 cups-a-day requirement. Drink water before, during, and after a meal to slow yourself down while eating and curb hunger.
  • Fill up on Fiber. The healthiest and most filling foods are high in fiber—think fruits and veggies, and whole, unprocessed grains. Adding fiber to your diet will aid in weight loss, and keep you feeling fuller longer, so you may eat less.
  • Supportive groups are crucial. Surround yourself with positive people who motivate you to reach your goals, not those who want to sabotage your efforts. When you feel tempted, emotional, or if you have already gotten off-track, turn to your support group. Call a friend, email a family member, or get online to the SparkPeople message boards. Sometimes all you need is a short word of advice from a friendly voice.
Tips at Home
Cooking at home may be the easiest way to control your portions during a meal, but it also presents us with fully-stocked cupboards and refrigerators that can be tempting:

  • Bring home Healthy fast food. Try precut, frozen, canned or microwave-in-the-bag vegetables. Automatic portion control.
  • Stop the Taste-Testing Habit. If you’re the cook in the family, you may be eating a lot of calories when you taste your foods as you cook. To stop this natural habit, try chewing gum while you prepare you meals. Each time you are tempted to sneak a bite, you’ll have to take the gum out of your mouth. This will make you more conscious of what you’re doing.
  • Make fruit your dessert. It’s a great way to get more produce into your diet, and it satisfies the sweet craving many people have after a meal. Experiment with new and exotic fruits. And, when it comes to fruit, eating a little extra isn’t a bad thing.
  • Keep your hands busy. Many people want to eat when bored or just out of habit while watching TV. Keep your hands occupied with something else, and you won’t want to eat. Try knitting, painting your nails, shuffling cards, petting your cat—anything that keeps your hands moving will do the trick. Or, keep your whole body busy by doing crunches, squats, lunges or other body exercises while you watch.
  • Feeling hungry? Try this first. Try drinking a glass or two of water. Many people mistake what is actually dehydration for hunger.
  • When you feel the urge to snack or keep eating, take an exercise break Walk around the block for 5 or 10 minutes, run up and down the stairs, or distract yourself with anything for about 10 minutes. You’ll probably find that you weren’t really hungry, but bored instead.
  • Buy snack-size portions. Don’t buy more of your unhealthy snacks just to save a buck or two. If you have trouble controlling yourself—if you eat the whole bag of chips before you realize what you’ve done—then buy snack size items. You can find chips, pretzels, cookies, snack cakes, soda, juice, ice cream, and even cereal in single serving sizes.
  • Make a rule that works for you and your family. No eating in front of the TV, in the car, or at your desk. This will help you avoid mindless eating when you’re not hungry.
Tricks for Dining Out
It’s difficult to control your portions—not to mention ingredients and cooking method—when you are at a restaurant. Despite this, there are several things you can control:

  • Inquire about portion sizes. If it sounds huge, and it probably is, ask the server to split your entrée in half. Tell them to box up half ahead of time (and maybe even keep it in the kitchen until you’re ready to leave). Or, split the dish with a friend.
  • Order ala carte. Many, if not all restaurants are notorious for their enormous portions. When you feel like you can’t win on size, or if even half of an entrée is still way too big, order side items. Most restaurants do offer staples like baked potatoes, steamed fresh veggies, and rice dishes. Or, even if it’s dinnertime, ask for the lunch portion. You may have to pay the dinner price, but you’ll save yourself from eating way too much, and you’ll be much happier about that.
  • Decide ahead of time what you’ll order. That way, you won’t be tempted by the less-healthy fare when you look at the menu. If you’re familiar with the menu, don’t even look at it—simply order what you already had in mind.
  • Don’t be afraid to make substitutions in ingredients and cooking methods. Many people don’t like to be picky at restaurants, but think of it this way. They’re there to meet your needs and serve you. If they don’t have something you want, ask! Vegetarians and vegans know this scenario all-too-well, because they have to modify almost every dish on the menu to be able to eat it. Waiters and waitresses will want to comply and help out (because it means tips for them), and chefs can easily make modifications. Some things to try:
      • Different cooking methods. If your dish is fried or high in oil, ask for steamed or stir-fry options.
      • Take something out. Ask for less or complete removal of cheese, sour cream, gravy, special sauces, mayonnaise, etc.
      • Add something new. Ask for extra veggies in your salad, or to add vegetables to a dish (like pizza or pasta) that doesn’t normally contain them.
  • Substitute. Get the plain baked potato instead of the mammoth french fries; Ask for grilled chicken on your salad instead of breaded.
  • Tell your server you don’t want the free bread, chips, etc. when you first arrive. Or, if you do eat it, let them know that you don’t need another round.
  • Ask for dressings, sauces, and condiments on the side. Use just enough to taste. Many "sides" of salad dressings are still 2-5 times as big as the recommended 2-tablespoon servings.
  • Don’t pick at the food left on your plate. Put your utensils on your plate so the handles get dirty. You won’t want to pick them up again, and you won’t mindlessly eat more while chatting over dinner. Or, try laying your napkin over top of the remaining food. Out of sight, out of mind.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Putting yourself first!

You’re a parent, school volunteer, Little League coach, and trusted assistant to your boss. You’ve been up since 6 a.m., made breakfast, packed lunches, cleaned the house, chauffeured the neighborhood kids, helped with homework, read bedtime stories, and finished extra work from the office.It’s 11:30.You’re exhausted.And, in about six-and-a-half hours you’ll begin the whole 24-hour cycle…again.

If you find yourself saying ‘Stop the merry-go-round, I want to get off!’ you’re not alone. Most of us—especially women, but men too (hey, there are reasons that men die younger than women)—have at some time found ourselves at the bottom of the heap when it comes to taking care of our needs.

The problem with that is that if we don’t take care of ourselves, sooner or later we won’t be of much use to anyone else—or to ourselves. Just as the airline attendant tells you to put on your own oxygen mask in an emergency before helping a child with theirs, you must take care of your own basic needs before you can attend to the needs of others. What’s more, being busy is not necessarily the same as being productive with meaningful activity. (Do the workaholics you know really accomplish that much more in proportion to the time they invest?)

If “putting yourself first” (a common admonition) sounds too selfish or too hard, try something simpler: put yourself on an equal footing with those you love and tend to. Do you insist that they get enough sleep? Start making that a priority for yourself too. Do you give them time for fun and socializing with friends? Then you do the same! Remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: human beings must meet their basic needs before they can move on to higher-level goals. Since most of us already know that we should take care of ourselves—but often have trouble figuring out how to do it, here are some guidelines for getting there:

  • Preserve your physical health with adequate sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
  • Value your emotional health as much as the physical, with a support system of friends and a willingness to laugh—especially at yourself.
  • Schedule fun activities on a regular basis—it’s just as important to plan pleasure as it is to plan work.
  • Identify “busy behaviors” (or people) that drain your time and energy but aren’t really important, then dump ‘em, or at least minimize their hold on you.
  • Kill two birds with one stone, combining family time with exercise, for example, which benefits everyone involved.
  • Try to look at the problems in your life with new eyes to find solutions. If you’re a new mom, for instance, see if you can trade childcare with another new mom to get some time for yourself.
  • Learn to say “No!” Your “yes” is valuable and should not be automatic. Instead, reserve it for the things that are most important to you.
  • Don’t try to change every problem area in your life all at once. Start with one or two items, then expand as you get things under control.
Your life should be like a checking account, balancing out on a regular basis so that you always have assets to draw upon. By making even small deposits—taking care of yourself with a 10-minute walk or a nutritious meal—you’ll be amazed at the interest you’ll reap.

Monday, April 8, 2013

What's In Your Fridge?

What's In Your Fridge?

It really is true, If you stock good food, you will eat good food!

Dairy - Low fat Milk, Almond, Rice, Hemp milks--Just be sure there isn’t too much sugar or fat in the kind you prefer.
Cheese - like bleu, goat cheese, or feta are great in salads because you need very little to go a long way. Adding shredded or shaved Parmesan cheese to side dishes, on top of roasted vegetables or as a finish to soups add a nutty flavour and heartiness with few calories. Avoid processed cheeses, waxy, or fat free cheeses. The less flavour, the more inclined you are to add more cheese to the dish.

Eggs - Eggs are the most easily absorbed protein source for our bodies. I keep raw eggs and hard boiled in the fridge, so they are ready for a snack, salad topper, or quick protein to go with my breakfast.

Nuts – In the refrigerator you say? Yes! Nuts are high in fat, which is why you have to be careful about your portions. That fat can turn rancid quickly when left in a pantry. Especially if you buy nuts in bulk, like I do, you should keep them in your refrigerator for freshness.

Lean Meats or Fish – Any raw meats, thawing or fresh, should be on the lowest shelf and in a container to catch any draining liquid. You don’t want that leaking onto your salad greens!

Yogurt – Like many of you, I like Greek yogurt for its lower carbohydrate and high protein amounts.

Salad Fixings – I have found that I dedicate a drawer (or more) to all the ingredients for a salad – salad greens, cucumber, tomato, carrots, or whatever you like. It makes it super easy to throw a salad together when everything is in one place.

  • Lemons and Limes – A clean eating essential! Lemons and limes are great when cooking, the zest can be used on salads, side dishes, and the juice in salad dressings and marinades. Slices of lemon and lime are a great way to give water a bit of interest.

  • Fresh Herbs – My dream is to have a massive herb garden.  When you buy herbs, you can wash them and wrap in a damp (not overly wet) paper towel. Place this is a resealable bag and herbs should stay fresh for several days.

  • Fruit – I like to keep hearty fresh fruit like apples, oranges, and pears in a bowl with bananas on the counter in my kitchen. Statistically, we are more likely to eat what is convenient and what we see. Other, more fragile fruit like berries, grapes, or melons I store in the refrigerator. I line my produce drawers with paper towels for easy clean up in case I should have something go bad or when the drawers need the occasional cleaning.

  • Other Vegetables – If you are going to have healthy side dishes with your meals, you need to have a variety of vegetables on hand. Of course, you could use frozen (canned is less preferred), but the key is to plan your meals so that good produce doesn’t go to waste.

  • Prep baggies filled with cut up carrots/celery/cucumber/cherry tomatoes for a quick snack. Pair with hummus and you have a protein and complex carb snack.

    Mustard – All kinds! Since mustard is a natural emulsifier (meaning it combines oils and vinegars well), Dijon is great for making your own salad dressings. Mustard can add a lot of flavor when cooking meats or fish and is a great alternative to mayo on sandwiches and wraps.

    Hummus, easily substituted for spreads instead of mayo, or dips.

    Nut Butter, almond, or natural peanut butter, again easily used to spread on a wrap with banana's or to dip fruit into to.

    Breads- wraps, WW English muffins/bagels for the kids, and as a complex carb (slice of bread) to add as a side to a salad.

    Water- I buy bottled water, and keep the fridge well stocked so that I always have a cold bottle to add a slice of lemon to or plain to quench my thirst. Some of you may have a water dispenser, or a filtered type like Brita.

    What's in your fridge? Make sure its keeping you healthy!!

    This will also cut your grocery bill, shop the produce, the meats, and the breads..outside isles!  A few items in the frozen, and a few items in the canned isle.

    Stay well! Be well!

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